


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Eggs Tarts


Short Crust Pastry:
250g unsalted butter, soften
120g castor sugar
1 egg
500g plain flour

1. Cream the butter and sugar till creamy.
2. Add in the egg and mixed well.
3. Lastly add in the flour and mix to form a soft dough. If the dough is sticky, you can add some more flour to mix till it is smooth and not sticky (add the flour a little at a time).
4. Mould into the small cupcake mould till the dough is used up
5. Set aside while you mix the egg custard.

Egg Custard:
350g water
120g castor sugar
100g fresh milk
5 eggs

1. Place water and sugar in a pot and boil till sugar is dissolved. Let it cool completely.
2. Add milk into the sugar mixture and stir.
3. Lightly beat the egg and add into the above.
4. Mix well and strain the egg mixture.
5. Pour into the prepared cup and bake at 160 Deg C for 20-25 mins or till the crust is slightly brown.

Note : Prepare the egg custard first before you do the dough.


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